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did:webvh DID Log Example


The set of examples here use the older did:tdw DID Method name, and v0.4 of the did:webvh specification. This example will be updated with the new v0.5 did:webvh specification as soon as the implementations catch up to the specification.

The following covers the evolution of a did:tdw from inception through several versions, showing the DID, DIDDoc, DID Log, and some of the intermediate data structures.

The examples are aligned with version 0.4 of the did:tdw specification.

In some of the following examples the data for the DID log entries is displayed as prettified JSON for readability. In the log itself, the JSON has all whitespace removed, and each line ends with a CR, per the JSON Lines convention.

DID Creation Data

These examples show the important structures used in the Create (Register) operation for a did:tdw DID.

Input to the SCID Generation Process with Placeholders

The following JSON is an example of the input that the DID Controller constructs and passes into the SCID Generation Process. In this example, the DIDDoc is particularly boring, containing the absolute minimum for a valid DIDDoc.

This example includes both the initial "authorized keys" to sign the Data Integrity proof (updateKeys) and the pre-rotation commitment to the next authorization keys (nextKeyHashes). Both are in the parameters property in the log entry.

  "versionId": "{SCID}",
  "versionTime": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z",
  "parameters": {
    "prerotation": true,
    "updateKeys": [
    "nextKeyHashes": [
    "method": "did:tdw:0.4",
    "scid": "{SCID}"
  "state": {
    "@context": [
    "id": "did:tdw:{SCID}:domain.example"

Output of the SCID Generation Process

After the SCID is generated, the literal {SCID} placeholders are replaced by the generated SCID value (see below). This JSON is the input to the entryHash generation process -- with the SCID versionId``. Once the process has run, the version number of this first version of the DID (1), a dash-and the resulting output hash replace the [[ref: SCID as theversionId` value.

  "versionId": "QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ",
  "versionTime": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z",
  "parameters": {
    "prerotation": true,
    "updateKeys": [
    "nextKeyHashes": [
    "method": "did:tdw:0.4",
    "scid": "QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ"
  "state": {
    "@context": [
    "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example"

Data Integrity Proof Generation and First Log Entry

The last step in the creation of the first log entry is the generation of the data integrity proof. One of the keys in the updateKeys [[ref: parameter MUST be the verificationMethod in the proof (in did:key form) to generate the signature across the post-entryHash processed DID log entry. The generated proof is added to the JSON Line and the log entry JSON object becomes the first entry in the [[ref: DID Log.

The following is the JSON prettified version of the entry log file that is published as the initial did.jsonl file. When published, all extraneous whitespace is removed, as shown in the block below the pretty-printed version.

  "versionId": "1-QmQq6Kg4ZZ1p49znzxnWmes4LkkWgMWLrnrfPre8UD56bz",
  "versionTime": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z",
  "parameters": {
    "prerotation": true,
    "updateKeys": [
    "nextKeyHashes": [
    "method": "did:tdw:0.4",
    "scid": "QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ"
  "state": {
    "@context": [
    "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example"
  "proof": [
      "type": "DataIntegrityProof",
      "cryptosuite": "eddsa-jcs-2022",
      "verificationMethod": "did:key:z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R#z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R",
      "created": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z",
      "proofPurpose": "authentication",
      "proofValue": "z2fPF6fMewtV15kji2N432R7RjmmFs8p7MiSHSTM9FoVmJPtc3JUuZ472pZKoWgZDuT75EDwkGmZbK8ZKVF55pXvx"

The same content "un-prettified", as it is found in the did.jsonl file:

{"versionId": "1-QmQq6Kg4ZZ1p49znzxnWmes4LkkWgMWLrnrfPre8UD56bz", "versionTime": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z", "parameters": {"prerotation": true, "updateKeys": ["z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R"], "nextKeyHashes": ["QmXC3vvStVVzCBHRHGUsksGxn6BNmkdETXJGDBXwNSTL33"], "method": "did:tdw:0.4", "scid": "QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ"}, "state": {"@context": [""], "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example"}, "proof": [{"type": "DataIntegrityProof", "cryptosuite": "eddsa-jcs-2022", "verificationMethod": "did:key:z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R#z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R", "created": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z", "proofPurpose": "authentication", "proofValue": "z2fPF6fMewtV15kji2N432R7RjmmFs8p7MiSHSTM9FoVmJPtc3JUuZ472pZKoWgZDuT75EDwkGmZbK8ZKVF55pXvx"}]}

did:web Version of DIDDoc

As noted in the publishing a parallel did:web DID section of this specification a did:tdw can be published by replacing did:tdw with did:web in the DIDDoc, adding an alsoKnownAs entry for the did:tdw and publishing the resulting DIDDoc at did.json, logically beside the did.jsonl file.

Here is what the did:web DIDDoc looks like for the did:tdw above.

    "@context": [
    "id": "did:web:domain.example",
    "alsoKnownAs": ["did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example"]

Version 2 of the DIDDoc

Time passes, and the DID Controller of the did:tdw DID decides to update its DID to a new version, version 2. In this case, the only change the DID Controller makes is transition the authorization key to the pre-rotation key.

Version 2 Entry Hashing Input

To generate a new version of the DID, the DID Controller needs to provide the updated parameters, and the new DIDDoc. The following processing is done to create the new DID log entry:

  • The versionId from the previous (first) log entry is made the value of the versionId in the new log entry.
  • The versionTime in the new log entry is set to the current time.
  • The parameters entry passed in is processed. In this case, since the updateKeys array is updated, and pre-rotation is active, the a verification is done to ensure that the hash of the updateKeys entries are found in the nextKeyHashes property from version 1 of the DID. As required by the did:tdw specification, a new nextKeyHashes is included in the new parameters.
  • The new (but unchanged) DIDDoc is included in its entirety, as the value of the state property.
  • The resultant JSON object is passed into the entryHash generation process which outputs the entryHash for this log entry. Once again, the versionId value is replaced by the version number (the previous version number plus 1, so 2 in this case), a dash (-), and the new entryHash.
  • The data integrity proof is generated added to the log entry, spaces are removed, a CR character added (per JSON Lines) and the entire entry is appended to the existing DID log file.

The DID log file can now be published, optionally with an updated version of the corresponding did:web DID.

The following is the JSON pretty-print log entry for the second version of an example did:tdw. Things to note in this example:

  • The data integrity proof verificationMethod is the did:key from the first log entry, since the updateKeys change in the second log entry does not take affect until after the version update is complete.
  • A new updateKeys property in the parameters has been added, along with commitment to a future key (nextKeyHashes) that will control future updates to the DID.
  "versionId": "2-QmXL6CLK1BMHAd3zQMqkY49VSc9T3zhUcPxu6zEW176PfN",
  "versionTime": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z",
  "parameters": {
    "updateKeys": [
    "nextKeyHashes": [
  "state": {
    "@context": [
    "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example"
  "proof": [
      "type": "DataIntegrityProof",
      "cryptosuite": "eddsa-jcs-2022",
      "verificationMethod": "did:key:z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R#z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R",
      "created": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z",
      "proofPurpose": "authentication",
      "proofValue": "z2nkLj9rYAMG7TStpvihuo4HTovpC7uvWcDoYiGhoN8cqQuiwW2EnPZdWtid2FZAQDQPoaNkTooKVftGKDTh9p3Fy"

Log File For Version 2

The new version 2 did.jsonl file contains two entries, one for each version of the DIDDoc -- as per the use of JSON Lines.

{"versionId": "1-QmQq6Kg4ZZ1p49znzxnWmes4LkkWgMWLrnrfPre8UD56bz", "versionTime": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z", "parameters": {"prerotation": true, "updateKeys": ["z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R"], "nextKeyHashes": ["QmXC3vvStVVzCBHRHGUsksGxn6BNmkdETXJGDBXwNSTL33"], "method": "did:tdw:0.4", "scid": "QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ"}, "state": {"@context": [""], "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example"}, "proof": [{"type": "DataIntegrityProof", "cryptosuite": "eddsa-jcs-2022", "verificationMethod": "did:key:z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R#z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R", "created": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z", "proofPurpose": "authentication", "proofValue": "z2fPF6fMewtV15kji2N432R7RjmmFs8p7MiSHSTM9FoVmJPtc3JUuZ472pZKoWgZDuT75EDwkGmZbK8ZKVF55pXvx"}]}
{"versionId": "2-QmXL6CLK1BMHAd3zQMqkY49VSc9T3zhUcPxu6zEW176PfN", "versionTime": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z", "parameters": {"updateKeys": ["z6MkvQnUuQn3s52dw4FF3T87sfaTvXRW7owE1QMvFwpag2Bf"], "nextKeyHashes": ["QmdA9fxQSLLwCQo6TkovcoaLgGYWq6Ttqx6A5D1RY13iFG"]}, "state": {"@context": [""], "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example"}, "proof": [{"type": "DataIntegrityProof", "cryptosuite": "eddsa-jcs-2022", "verificationMethod": "did:key:z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R#z6MkhbNRN2Q9BaY9TvTc2K3izkhfVwgHiXL7VWZnTqxEvc3R", "created": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z", "proofPurpose": "authentication", "proofValue": "z2nkLj9rYAMG7TStpvihuo4HTovpC7uvWcDoYiGhoN8cqQuiwW2EnPZdWtid2FZAQDQPoaNkTooKVftGKDTh9p3Fy"}]}

Log File For Version 3

The same process is repeated for version 3 of the DID. In this case:

  • The DIDDoc is changed.
  • an authentication method is added.
  • two services are added.
  • No changes are made to the authorized keys to update the DID. As a result, the parameters entry is empty ({}), and the parameters in effect from previous versions of the DID remain in effect.

Here is the pretty-printed log entry:

  "versionId": "3-QmaSKJRACGefmi19LkS6TFj5FeMEfr98GpBWk7vEmbhT92",
  "versionTime": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z",
  "parameters": {},
  "state": {
    "@context": [
    "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example",
    "authentication": [
    "assertionMethod": [
    "verificationMethod": [
        "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example#z6MkrgET7ZLV32qNrr6vUd2kVXGw63vbPvqxDqqhRQpvngBX",
        "controller": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example",
        "type": "Multikey",
        "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkrgET7ZLV32qNrr6vUd2kVXGw63vbPvqxDqqhRQpvngBX"
    "service": [
        "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example#domain",
        "type": "LinkedDomains",
        "serviceEndpoint": "https://domain.example"
        "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example#whois",
        "type": "LinkedVerifiablePresentation",
        "serviceEndpoint": "https://domain.example/.well-known/"
  "proof": [
      "type": "DataIntegrityProof",
      "cryptosuite": "eddsa-jcs-2022",
      "verificationMethod": "did:key:z6MkvQnUuQn3s52dw4FF3T87sfaTvXRW7owE1QMvFwpag2Bf#z6MkvQnUuQn3s52dw4FF3T87sfaTvXRW7owE1QMvFwpag2Bf",
      "created": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z",
      "proofPurpose": "authentication",
      "proofValue": "z2V72e7bRFpjvphDcWfYeSDTLsbkoVU5SfWAKMwpxYAL74D8GugTuoB2vH93cJqb8XXz8tN4es9AM787CogcbmXKa"

Here is the log entry for just version 3 of the DID.

{"versionId": "3-QmaSKJRACGefmi19LkS6TFj5FeMEfr98GpBWk7vEmbhT92", "versionTime": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z", "parameters": {}, "state": {"@context": ["", "", "", ""], "id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example", "authentication": ["did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example#z6MkrgET7ZLV32qNrr6vUd2kVXGw63vbPvqxDqqhRQpvngBX"], "assertionMethod": ["did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example#z6MkrgET7ZLV32qNrr6vUd2kVXGw63vbPvqxDqqhRQpvngBX"], "verificationMethod": [{"id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example#z6MkrgET7ZLV32qNrr6vUd2kVXGw63vbPvqxDqqhRQpvngBX", "controller": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example", "type": "Multikey", "publicKeyMultibase": "z6MkrgET7ZLV32qNrr6vUd2kVXGw63vbPvqxDqqhRQpvngBX"}], "service": [{"id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example#domain", "type": "LinkedDomains", "serviceEndpoint": "https://domain.example"}, {"id": "did:tdw:QmfGEUAcMpzo25kF2Rhn8L5FAXysfGnkzjwdKoNPi615XQ:domain.example#whois", "type": "LinkedVerifiablePresentation", "serviceEndpoint": "https://domain.example/.well-known/"}]}, "proof": [{"type": "DataIntegrityProof", "cryptosuite": "eddsa-jcs-2022", "verificationMethod": "did:key:z6MkvQnUuQn3s52dw4FF3T87sfaTvXRW7owE1QMvFwpag2Bf#z6MkvQnUuQn3s52dw4FF3T87sfaTvXRW7owE1QMvFwpag2Bf", "created": "2024-09-26T23:22:26Z", "proofPurpose": "authentication", "proofValue": "z2V72e7bRFpjvphDcWfYeSDTLsbkoVU5SfWAKMwpxYAL74D8GugTuoB2vH93cJqb8XXz8tN4es9AM787CogcbmXKa"}]}

And so on...